



Ogata Tetsuo / shhh... - Floppy Kick Split


 shhh…’s track is a perfect match to ‘ Elicoidal Sex’ as it almost seems to continue where the previous work had stopped. Now we can hear the sizzling experience of being sexually liberated, freed from all the tension in the private hormone ruled private parts. Here we can listen to the actual shuddering moment when the highlight comes and relief filled with bliss drips in a all relaxing ray of sunshine and happiness.
A successful track that triggers a video clip in my mind of sexually liberating city people all coming to a certain satisfaction while enjoying these two Portuguese experimental love tracks in their sub consciousness. The crown of ambient cum that splatters out from this floppy disc split is one that aims to please and does truly sound like a source for healthy relief and the finest form of city liberation.

The work of shhh… is just as great and amazing in its quality content than the musical partner that it had been so successfully partnered with. The music however is of a complete different order as there is no spectacular passage of young spirits haunting this side of the floppy diskette, but it is more of a beautiful stereo work that feels like a certain feeling of belonging and waiting for something. This might be perhaps a strange description, but let me try to explain it more visual wise how this track (whose name is ‘liberation of a city’) sketches a imagine in my mind as a frequent listener.
            It is like a part of an American road trip movie in which the night has set and the character has settled itself down in a road motel in which the lights are shimmering and red and the outside streets are wet from a previous rainfall. I see a character sitting on the bed made up by hotel room staff that never changes the laundry next to a lonely cupboard with a phone on top. A shadowy figure waiting for the phone to ring, perhaps from a troubled citizen that needs help in saving the city from its lockdown on freedom. In fact the shadowy figure who has a low profile in the track might be someone’s alter-ego; a superman, superwoman, batgirl, batman, x-men, x-woman or just someone waiting for a call from someone he or she loves.. It’s all up to your own imagination I guess.